Rollercoaster Family Support have been involved in a number of projects on a local and national level aimed at inclusion of children, young people and their families in mental health care.

Past Projects

Rollercoaster Family & Parent Support
Rollercoaster parent led, professionally supported direct support to families ran for 9 years between 2014-2023 offering:
Face to face and digital support groups
One to one Peer Support
Parent Training
Facebook Groups
Coproduction and involvement work
Funded by Durham County Council Public health and County Durham Clinical Commissioning Group

Out of the box
This was a two-year funded project which provided an alternative space for mental health support in a corporate box at Durham County Cricket Ground . The project provided 1:1 and group support for families, counselling space, mental health drop in space, alternatives to crisis support, art activities and a space for services to meet with families. The project was coproduced with families
Funded by County Durham Clinical Commissioning Group

Emily’s Gifts
A project developed in memory of Emily Moore, Emily was an amazing, kind and caring young girl who loved to shop and help others. Working alongside Emily’s family and a community steering group, Rollercoaster coordinated 5 Emily’s Gifts events to enable families to receive a self-help box to support their mental health. Each event was set up as a gift shop to enable young people and families to select the items that would be appropriate to their needs.
Funded by community fundraising and County Durham Clinical Commissioning Group

NHS England Children and Young People’s Mental Health Policy Team
Rollercoaster worked alongside the policy team to develop roles and recruit young people and parent/carer lived experience roles in the team.

NHS England North
NHS England North-Wendy worked as the Participation lead for Mental Health Support Teams in Schools(MHST) working with MHST to deliver training and develop coproduction

United Voice
Rollercoaster Family Support worked in partnership with Investing in Children, children, young people and families in County Durham to develop and establish a Children, Young People and Family Led Mental Health Advisory Board. This was a place for families to have their voice heard and make a difference in children & young people’s mental health in County Durham
Funded by County Durham Clinical Commissioning Group

Charlie Waller Trust partnership work
Rollercoaster worked with Charlie Waller Trust (CWT) for 5 years. Wendy was appointed as Parent Lead for CWT her role involved delivering workshops to help people set up parent carer support, developing the PLACE National Network and co-developing the first national parent carer peer support training.
Funded by Charlie Waller Trust